
Visar inlägg från augusti, 2022

My experiences of adapting my habits to the biological clock

For about half a year I have tried to change my habits to the biological clocks in the body. I have done it in two ways: No 1  At night before going to bed we are sensitive to the light we are exposed to. We are especially sensitive to blue light but the very best is to try to have as dark as possible before going to bed. Red or orange colours  we tolerate best.  Light and especially blue light disrupts the production of melatonin in the pineal gland  which harms our ability to fall asleep.  So I have tried to avoid light before going to bed. How has it evolved? In the beginning I avoided  light for a pretty long time before bedgoing- an hour and a half.  Okay, that  went pretty well. I fell asleep faster, but  woke up after three or four hours and then was awake a long time. I have  problems  after my MS illness and prostate cancer surgery- I have to urinate pretty often even at night. Now it changed  and I did not have to go ...